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Prince William Has Been Dubbed The ‘World’s Sexiest Bald Man’ & The Internet Has Other Ideas

today29 March 2021


In all honesty, this is not the headline anyone was expecting today, much less about Prince William and his hair – or lack thereof.


I used to have a massive, MASSIVE crush on the Prince and while my fondness for him slowly disappeared along with his hairline (not discriminating against bald men/women, my preferences changed as he and I both grew older) I may be one of the few people who feel that way. Rather, a recent hotness survey published in The Sun pronounced Prince William to be the world’s sexiest bald man.



The study, carried out by cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita, came to the conclusion after analysing blogs, reports and Google search pages that used the keyword “sexy” to describe the 38-year-old Duke. What did their results find?  Well, as it turns out, the second in the line of succession to the British throne has been described as “sexy” as many as – get this17.6million times. Whether or not the duke is aware of this honour, remains to be seen. But, he should be chuffed knowing that he’s beaten out some rather tough opponents.


Making up the ‘Top 10 Sexiest Bald Men In The World’ are:


2. Mike Tyson – 8.8m
3. Jason Statham – 7.4m
4. Pitbull – 5.4m
5. Michael Jordan – 5.3m
6. Floyd Mayweather – 4.3m
7. John Travolta – 3.8m
8. Bruce Willis – 3.3m
9. Dwayne Johnson – 2.6m
10. Vin Diesel – 2.3m


Just missing out on a spot in the top 10, apparently, is Russian President Vladimir Putin – although, in what context an article or post would have “sexy” and “Putin” together in one piece is beyond me. Of course, the results are questionable. Not because we’re questioning the attractiveness of these men, no. It’s because the results haven’t been derived directly from individuals and rely solely on what has been written about the men. Needless to say, people on the internet are not content with the results….







But the best response yet? Probably that of certified Sexiest Man Live circa 2016, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson himself.



He’s got a point.



*Cover image credits:@kensingtonroyal

Written by: Marissa Anne

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