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Check Out Calum Scott & Anderson Kalang’s Epic Fly FM Collab

today8 March 2024


On 26 February, Kuala Lumpur became the stage for an unforgettable experience – serving us the ultimate musical collab we didn’t know we needed.

During the recent Fly FM Jam Session, renowned English singer-songwriter Calum Scott and Kelabit musician Anderson Kalang orchestrated a remarkable rendition of ‘You Are the Reason’.

The tune is exceptional in itself, but what made this performance extra special was its impromptu nature that successfully elevated the entire event to a prestigious level for Anderson.

Check out a snippet of it here:

See, this collab wasn’t just about music, but a celebration of cultural heritage intertwined with an exploration of musical innovation that transcends borders.

Anderson Kalang, a Sape’ coach and esteemed Kelabit instrumentalist based in Kuala Lumpur, brought his wealth of expertise to the forefront. Notably, as a member of the band Naungan, he served as the Contemporary Sape’ Mentor for…

Click here to read the full article.


Written by: Lara Kramer

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