One of the true unsung heroes as of late has to be our delivery riders. But what goes on in their lives after they take off their helmets?
Foodpanda rider Mohd Akmal spends his nights completing his thesis in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology from Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Talk about a double life!
We’ve all been recently schooled on how hard these riders work, pushing through any weather or circumstance just to get our food delivered to our doorsteps.
Now, imagine actually going to school after a long day of doing that.

Akmal used to lecture at the same university on contract for 6 years, until 2017 when he was offered the opportunity to pursue a PhD on a 3-year scholarship.
However, he had to support himself for his fourth and final year which led to him donning on the pink and grey uniform to start his day job as a delivery rider, commuting 50km a day all around…