Recently, videos have been circulating on social media platforms on how the Covid-19 saliva test kit can be manipulated to give false-positive results. The methods vary but it can be as simple as using Instagram to draw a red line to mimic a positive RTK test. While it is unethical, a few desperate people have succumbed to the technique to skip work.
According to The Star, a worker at a construction company resorted to photo-editing software to falsify his self-test kit result. He then sent in the edited photo to MySejahtera and shortly later received his Home Surveillance Order.
“It is easy. Nobody can detect it unless they check the photo thoroughly,” the anonymous man said.
While in “quarantine”, he submitted his health report to MySejahtera twice a day and was not called to go to the clinic or Covid-19 assessment centre as he was not considered a high-risk patient.
Another person, who only…