Yesterday, economy minister Rafizi Ramli officially launched the People’s Income Initiative (Inisiatif Pendapatan Rakyat – IPR), that allows for B40 community members to generate a higher income and adjust to today’s cost of living.
Noting that the government cannot continue giving out cash handouts in the long-term, the Pandan MP stated that this would comprise three initiatives – Inisiatif Usahawan Tani (Intan), Inisiatif Usahawan Makanan (Insan) and Inisiatif Operator Perkhidmatan (Ikhsan).
The unity administration announced under the Insan programme that it would pay the rent for the vending machines and locations for two years, enabling the B40 community to pursue supplementary enterprises like selling food via vending machines.
“The goal is to use vending machines to sell prepared meals like breakfast and lunch for as little as RM2. People would have…