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Higher Education Isn’t Limited To Humans, UM Sabah Has Stray Dogs Attending Lectures Too

today1 December 2022


Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Source: Wikimapia

In a world where education is so vital to the future of our nation, why keep that limited to just humans?

The folks at Universiti Malaysia Sabah agree, and they have the most adorable students diligently attending lectures, though they might not adhere to the dress code.

Stray dog crashes two-hour lecture at um sabah, stays for the entire class
Source: Bahaman Ahmad Facebook

Recently, clips of stray dogs roaming the campus have been making its rounds on social media drawing praises from dog lovers.

According to the university’s Prof Berhaman Ahmad, the university used to seek the assistance of the Kota Kinabalu City Council to remove the strays.

“But they stopped doing so at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 as the council’s shelter was also swamped with strays caught elsewhere,” he said, adding that strays at the university had since been left alone.

“They are now part of the campus’s community,” he said, adding that the undergraduates too did not seem to mind…

Click here to read the full article.


Written by: Quinny Tan