The debut feature film of Malaysian writer-director Cho We Jun, produced by Benji Lim and co-produced by Lee Yve Vonn, Hungry Ghost Diner leaves an impression from its spooky name alone.
The film made its debut at the 27th Edition of the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 2023 in South Korea, and even won the NETPAC Award for the Best Asian Feature Film, with judges citing the film’s familial messaging throughout.
Needless to say, Hungry Ghost Diner has made the rounds and has finally made its debut in Malaysian screens. JUICE was invited to an exclusive screening and needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised.
All photos used were provided to JUICE by director, Cho We Jun.
Strange Things
The film centres around a young street chef named, Bonnie, played by Chen Keat Yoke. After a night of…