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M’sian Man Who Fled With Teenage Girlfriend Arrested On Grounds Of Kidnapping After Almost A Year

today12 May 2023


source: NBC News

Relationships can be challenging in today’s world, and may yield unanticipated consequences. People occasionally make choices that not only affect them personally, but also those around them. In this instance, a man’s choice to flee with his underaged girlfriend had serious implications and ultimately resulted in his arrest.

According to recent reports, a 23-year-old male was detained by the local police after reportedly fleeing with his 17-year-old girlfriend, living with her for over a year before finally being found.

The authorities first became aware of the couple’s disappearance on July 11, 2022, when the girl’s mother alleged that her daughter had been kidnapped by her boyfriend from a housing area in Desa Mentari.

On May 9, 2023, the girl was located at Kampung Olak Lempit in Banting and the suspect was apprehended there as well.

Image via YL Cube for illustration purposes only.

The suspect was…

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Written by: Lara Kramer

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