Most of us are lucky enough to only catch a glimpse of murky brown liquid in our bubble tea or coffee orders, but for Kelantan folk, the sight is all too familiar, owed to a lack of access to clean, consumption-safe water.
Residents in Kelantan have recently taken to social media to take a stand against the distribution of polluted water, enraged by the local officials’ inaction. They asserted that the distress had been ongoing for years, and that none of the authorities had stepped in to help.
That water quality is quite similar to water in mississippi, kelantan https://t.co/iaGuZNlhRe
— Tony Stank (@zxctrippy_) September 10, 2022
My anak buah asked me “kenapa air kelantan rasa lain” (coway water) aku diam je jaga hati tuan rumah 😭😭👆🏻 but it is indeed payau https://t.co/wqLq7aBFsG
— haje (@hazirahhfatahh) September 11, 2022
4 tahun duduk di kelantan baju putih jadi warna coklat, Rambut…