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Social News

6 Life Skills You Wish You Were Taught In School

Do you think you're independent enough to survive the big bad world by yourself? Image via Pinterest There will come a day when you'll need to leave the nest and flyyyy like bird. A bird that has to start adulting lah. ;D Adulting is no easy feat, and we all learn this the hard way. We all have different responsibilities, whether it's properly maintaining your own car, or keeping track […]

today27 January 2021

Social News

Malaysian Shares Hilarious Ways To Survive Staying In Parents’ House During MCO

If you've moved out of your parents' home and have been living on your own for a while now, you can probably relate to this guy Twitter user @zfatlee, also known as Zul, recently put together a list titled 'Surviving MCO: Re-Living with Your Parents as an Adult'. In the now-viral Twitter thread posted on 14 and 15 January, Zul wrote funny tips to help you cope as an adult if […]

today19 January 2021

Social News

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, Mint & 5 Other Useful Multi-Purpose Plants To Have At Home

Here are some ways you can use blue pea flower:For its unique blue colourBesides making for an eye-catching addition to your home, you can make awesome eats like Nasi Kerabu and Pulut Tai Tai the authentic way by using these blue-hued flowers.As an immunity boosterBlue pea flower teas are a rich source of antioxidants, which help to boost the immune system among other benefits.... Click here to read the full […]

today19 June 2020