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Social News

Kedah Mortician Accepts Old Makeup Donations To Send Off The Deceased With Dignity

The mortician frankly said that when people pass away, their remains will look unsightly and family members often dare not look at their departed loved ones."Even adults are afraid, let alone children. So, repair and makeup are very important to me. It leaves them one last good impression," she said.She explained that embalming involves a lot of manual labour and after that she also washes the body, puts on their […]

today12 January 2021

Social News

Firefighters In Alor Setar Had To Be Called In To Remove 2 Rings From A Man’s Penis

The firefighters were called after the man failed to take off the rings.According to Alor Setar Fire and Rescue Station chief Deputy Fire Superintendent Ahmad Naufal Abdullah, his department received a call regarding the emergency situation at 4.07am Friday, 1 January 2021.Following which, a team led by Senior Fire Officer II Ahmad Rusdi Lazim arrived at the HSB within five minutes after receiving the call and started performing the operation […]

today1 January 2021

Social News

Dipersilakan Makan Dengan Senang Hati, Pasangan Ini Buka ‘Rumah Makan Percuma’ Untuk Semua

Menurut laporan, prihatin dengan nasib segelintir masyarakat yang terkesan akibat penularan pandemik Covid-19, seorang usahawan berjaya dan isterinya mengambil inisiatif membuka ‘Rumah Makan Percuma’, untuk menyediakan makanan secara percuma kepada golongan yang memerlukan. Jaffri Ahmad, 56, berkata beliau dan isteri Mazlina Makaruddin, 53, memperuntukkan makanan untuk... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today8 July 2020

Social News

Collision Involving 2 Cars In Alor Setar Kills A Man And Leaves 5 Seriously Injured

Of which, three are seriously injured while two others sustained light injuries.One of the severely injured is a 30-year-old man who was sitting in the front-seat of Proton Iriz.Meanwhile, a 21-year-old man driving the second car – a Proton Iswara carrying four people – was pinned to his seat, along with his front passenger, a 20-year-old woman, New Straits Times... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today13 June 2020