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Social News

We Got Successful Young Malaysians To Share Their Easy Tips On How To Advance Your Career

Nadia: "One really cool thing that we got to do at YCDP was to work with actual companies and attempt to come up with strategies on how to fix real problems. My team ended up winning the Regional Business Challenge, in which we formulated a strategy for Boost Indonesia.We also got to come up with ideas for our very own startup during the Digital Business Challenge. My team won first... […]

today8 June 2020

Social News

9 Most Viral TikTok Trends In Malaysia You Will Confirm Watch On Repeat

Without the balik kampung trips and open houses, this Raya is going to be different for all of us. But that doesn't mean that it won't be an enjoyable one! It's all about how you make the most of things and find ways to keep the festive spirit alive.Thankfully, technology gives us lots of ways to spread the festive cheer, and that's exactly what this #RayaTetapCeria TikTok challenge is... Click […]

today23 May 2020