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Social News

Gardenia Bakeries Increases Price Of Selected Products From 1 December

According to the statement, the price of Gardenia buns will be increased by 5 sen, from RM1.05 to RM1.10, including Squiggles, Delicia Soft Roll Butter Toffee, Delicia Sambal Bilis, and Gardenia Fluffy Red Beans.Meanwhile, some Gardenia loaves will see a 20 sen increase, from RM4.50 to RM4.70, including the Toast'em Butter Raisin loaf and the Delicia Butterscotch, Choco Raisin, and Raspberry Milk & Cranberries flavours.Gardenia Bakeries said the prices of other Gardenia […]

today30 November 2020

Social News

Gardenia Responds To Claims That It Has Been Discriminating Against Malaysian Citizens

While it recognised that societies are facing an unprecedented time both socially and economically, the bread company also reminded the public that "Mankind is united with the same goal: to build stable livelihoods in a collective manner."As for their contribution, Gardenia explained that they have specially allocated RM1,000,000 to individuals categorised as B40 and under since the... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today21 July 2020