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Social News

Pilot With 11 Years Experience Now Drives A Funeral Van After Losing His Job To COVID-19

When interviewed by Harian Metro, Ahmad Rashidi said, "I met with Mohd Zulhairi, a volunteer who helps manage funerals for free on behalf of Amalteam. I signed up to be a hearse driver to help those who are disadvantaged.""If we think we're affected by the pandemic, there are more people who have already been affected for ages due to financial problems and poverty," he... Click here to read the full […]

today7 September 2020

Social News

Your Desire To Quit Your Job Is Perfectly Normal

This article has a happy ending. But it's a realistic one.Through my own exploration, I've been blessed enough to find work that's meaningful for me. Over the past five years (in four different roles in two companies), I've been able to do work I believe in and makes me proud. I've been able to work on challenging goals with good bosses and colleagues while making a comfortable... Click here to […]

today23 August 2020

Social News

This Bank Manager Left His 5-Figure Salary Job To Pursue A Farmer’s Life

Meet Kenny Soon We Hong In 2012, he decided to take a leap of faith and leave his career as a bank manager to pursue his childhood dream of living the simple life as a farmer. Image via Eden Eco Farm/Facebook Speaking to SAYS, the 38-year-old said he had always wanted to buy a piece of land, build a small home, and plant just enough... Click here to read the […]

today11 August 2020

Social News

This 56-Year-Old Left His Job At The Bank To Bake The Most Magical Wedding Cakes

"It really wasn't even a hobby or anything. It was just by luck that baking was the first venture he went into after resigning. It was fortunate that it was a success and he just kept on pursuing it," shared Aiman.Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Zulkiflee was a manager at the bank's Risk Management Department... Click here to read […]

today20 April 2020