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Social News

These Dogs With Special Needs Urgently Require Donations To Move To A New Home

Seeing as people often dump their dogs at the shelter, the location is kept confidential. Donation drives are also usually unsuccessful, as most people don't want the hassle of looking after these furry friends. To explain why the deposit fees are high, she said that the dogs "need a huge space to move around. And their barking can be heard from three blocks of normal 22x75... Click here to read […]

today25 September 2020

Social News

This PJ Group Is Rescuing Strays & Finding Them New Homes. Here’s How You Can Help

With the increase of developments in Damansara Perdana area, many of these strays have been forced to leave their natural habitat and are often subject to abuse on the streets.Damansara Perdana Strays Rescue is made up of a handful of residents, who each hold full-time jobs, but spend any additional time they have to help strays in their... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today29 June 2020

Social News

People Question Where Zoo Negara Donations Went After “Skinny” Lion Image Goes Viral

Based on an interview by Nadia Zaman, a journalist from Bernama, Rosly shared that they were lacking meat and had switched the lion's diet to chicken, but the animal is not interested in it.According to a tweet by Nadia, Rosly explained that the 15-year-old lion, whose name is Manja Kani, may look thin but is still healthy.  A quick check on Google reveals that Asiatic lions... Click here to read the […]

today15 June 2020