#SHOWBIZ: Veteran Anne James takes on an absurdist play
“I LIKED the script,” says Anne James, a veteran of Malaysian theatre and Five Arts Centre collective member.
“I LIKED the script,” says Anne James, a veteran of Malaysian theatre and Five Arts Centre collective member.
AFTER playing ‘Emily of Emerald Hill’ 215 times, Pearlly Chua is still ready to bring on the magic of this play.
WHAT happens when an image leaves an archive and enters the feedback loops of an artificial neural network?
KUALA LUMPUR: Five arts practitioners have been chosen as this year's grantees for the Krishen Jit Fund.
MASTERFUL... bittersweet. It was a riveting, engrossing 60ish minutes with dancer-choreographer and Five Arts Centre co-founder Marion D’Cruz in ‘ItSelf TerJadi’.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Krishen Jit Fund, that promotes the aspirations of promising Malaysians who thrive in the creative arts, is back and has just awarded grants to 11 individual and collective artists.