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[QUIZ] Only A True ‘Sejarah’ Whiz Could Get 10/10 On This Hari Kebangsaan Quiz

Do you remember celebrating Hari Kebangsaan in primary school? I'll always have fond memories of lining up during that one special perhimpunan where we'd sing our hearts out to patriotic songs while waving hand-drawn Jalur Gemilang. And every year without fail, my drawing would end up looking something like this: Image via Submerryn ... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today17 August 2020

Social News

[QUIZ] How Well Do You Remember The Lyrics To Malaysia’s Lagu-Lagu Patriotik?

Remember the good ol' days of singing our hearts out to patriotic songs like Tanggal 31, Keranamu Malaysia, and Jalur Gemilang during the special Hari Kebangsaan assemblies in school? Image via JomRia Let's see if you still remember the lyrics to those classic songs! HOW TO PLAY: The quiz will show you lyrics from a particular song;... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today29 July 2020