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Social News

UPSR To Be Abolished From Now On And PT3 Is Cancelled For 2021

He explained that the Ministry of Education (MOE) has been looking into methods of conducting and implementing primary school assessments used by other countries."Based on that, we then proceed with thorough engagement sessions with the stakeholders, namely headmasters, teachers, the Parent-Teacher Associations, students, and related associations — involving more than 1,700 participants nationwide," Radzi told reporters.He related that teachers, who gave feedback through the... Click here to read the full […]

today28 April 2021

Social News

Pertama Kali Dalam Sejarah, UPSR & PT3 Tahun Ini Dibatalkan, SPM Ditunda Ke Tahun 2021

“Pembatalan PT3 tidak akan menjejaskan penilaian tahap penguasaan murid di peringkat menengah rendah. Satu kaedah baharu akan diperkenalkan. Keputusan yang diperoleh dari kaedah ini akan dijadikan satu daripada kriteria pemilihan untuk kemasukan ke sekolah-sekolah khusus seperti sekolah berasrama penuh dan sekolah teknik.“KPM akan memastikan dalam apa jua keadaan pun, akses murid... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today15 April 2020