Bowler Li Jane targets strong finish after historic US and Asian victories
KUALA LUMPUR: Bowling queen Sin Li Jane is determined to end the year on a high note after a season filled with record-breaking achievements.
KUALA LUMPUR: Bowling queen Sin Li Jane is determined to end the year on a high note after a season filled with record-breaking achievements.
MICHIGAN: Malaysian bowlers have long been recognised as world-class, but dominating the fiercely competitive United States professional bowling scene is an unprecedented achievement.
KUALA LUMPUR: Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh and Malaysian bowling fans have congratulated Sin Li Jane for conquering the PWBA Tour and becoming the first Asian bowler to win its Player of the Year award.
KUALA LUMPUR: Sin Li Jane made history in the US Professional Women's Bowling Association (PWBA) Tour by becoming the first Asian to win the Player of the Year award.