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Social News

Victim Blaming Only Perpetuates Rape Culture

Rape is certainly not about the dress. Rape is the gross act of demeaning or commodifying a person by way of forced sexual intercourse without the other person's explicit and enthusiastic consent. By perpetuating social ideas on victim blaming, effectively, we are indirectly enabling rape.Rape culture is the main reason that survivors do not feel safe when reporting rape or getting... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today8 July 2020

Social News

Petition Seeks To Remove An MRSM Baling Teacher For Promoting Rape Culture

While his original post no longer exists, a screen recording of Norazizi's video was uploaded on Twitter by a woman named Sarah on her account. We reached out to her for permission to use the tweet for this story.According to Sarah, Norazizi is currently teaching at her high school and that she shared the video on Twitter given the huge risk he poses to young and impressionable students.In... Click here […]

today4 July 2020