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Social News

Dr Mahathir Named As One Of ’20 Most Dangerous Extremists’ Along With Current ISIS Leader

A New York-based nonprofit organisation, CEP says it combats the "growing threat" from extremist ideologies by "pressuring financial and material support networks, countering the narrative of extremists and their online recruitment, and advocating for smart laws, policies, and regulations".Over the week, CEP released its list of "the 20 most dangerous extremists on the planet".According to CEP, the list "highlights the last known location, deaths attributed to these harbingers of... Click […]

today9 January 2021

Social News

Outrage After Mahathir Tweets Muslims Have A Right To “Kill Millions Of French People”

According to him, we have our own values which "we need to sustain".In his follow-up tweet, Mahathir rallied against "latecomers" with new ideas that add new interpretations other than what "the originators intended".He also rallied against those who want to "eliminate everything that is different between men and women" and said "freedom for women" merely means "the right to vote in elections"."The trouble with new ideas is that the latecomers […]

today30 October 2020