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Social News

Joe Biden Menang Pilihan Raya Amerika Syarikat Ke-46

Menurut sumber, kemenangan calon Demokrat itu selepas pengiraan undi di Pennsylvania menyaksikan Joe Biden berusia 77 tahun mendahului pengundian antara negeri untuk menentukan pemilihan presiden Amerika Syarikat.Kejayaan Joe Biden melalui kempen bertemakan 'A Battle for the Soul of the Nation' juga membolehkan beliau menafikan hasrat Donald Trump untuk menjadi presiden untuk penggal kedua.Keputusan itu menyaksikan Joe Biden menjadi calon Demokrat pertama dalam tempoh 24 tahun... Click here to read the […]

today8 November 2020

Social News

Former Miss M’sia Sparks Outrage Over Insensitive Comments On #BlackLivesMatter Protests

She started by claiming that white people have won because people responded with "rage and anguish"."That means it has power over you. They (white people) have power over you. Foolish humans," wrote Samantha."I don't mean the riot. I mean everyone else who has nothing to do with it, but so busybody.""Most people mindlessly follow what the masses do, creating unnecessary anguish."

today1 June 2020

Social News

2 Malaysian Students Have Been Accepted Into Harvard College For The First Time Since 2017

Nadiah Wan, who is currently the Group CEO of TMC Life Sciences Berhad and also CEO of Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara said that both Aqil and Chin had impressed them during their interview sessions."[It was] their intellectual curiosity, maturity, drive, and desire to make an impact in society," she said in a statement by the Harvard Club of Malaysia."We believe that not only will they... Click here to read the […]

today21 May 2020

Social News

Sabahan Shares What It’s Like Working As A Marijuana Quality Control Officer In The US

Hannah said the government kept a close eye on the people allowed into the industry and knew each person held accountable for the marijuana plants, from its seeds to the final products.Employees even had their biometric fingerprints taken and are required to obtain a special ID that is traceable under a system called Metrc that has to be renewed every year, she said."Every marijuana... Click here to read the full […]

today20 May 2020