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Social News

Police Drop Case Against UM Lecturer Who Allegedly Sexually Harassed A Student

"We hope that the police will not stop the investigation. Moreover, we urge the University of Malaya to take proper steps to remedy the situation and support Miss Ching's legal action to the harasser," UMANY said.The student group also said that police's claim about the lack of other witnesses and conclusive testimony which led them not to press further charges against the lecturer is... Click here to read the full […]

today29 August 2020

Social News

UM Student Group Calls For VC Abdul Rahim To Resign For Being “Weak, Vain & Incompetent”

According to the VC, the information was protected by the Personal Data Protection Act.However, UMANY has since condemned Abdul Rahim for making "a shameless statement"."We opine that the UM management should make a public announcement telling the students the final verdict of this sexual harassment case. However, justice was sacrificed, most probably in a final struggle to safeguard... Click here to read the full article. Source:

today19 July 2020