After the success of the animated Super Mario Bros. theatrical film, Nintendo has announced a live-action adaptation of their beloved fantasy series, The Legend of Zelda. The film was announced by Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto on Nintendo’s X account.
This is Miyamoto. I have been working on the live-action film of The Legend of Zelda for many years now with Avi Arad-san, who has produced many mega hit films. [1]
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) November 7, 2023
This upcoming film will be directed by Wes Ball, the director of the Maze Runner trilogy and the soon-to-be-released Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. It will be written by Jurassic World screenwriter Derek Connolly and produced by Miyamoto and Avi Arad, known for his work on the Spider-Man live-action films and Spider-Verse animated films.
Strangely enough, Nintendo will be working with one of their key rivals as the film will be co-financed by…