Though it might be tough to find a job during the pandemic and many opt for “whatever job is available”, that statement cannot be said to apply to all professions. Teaching is one of them as becoming an educator is no easy task; to guide a group of students and deliver the right information in an easy way for them to digest. That’s exactly the point this Malaysian is trying to deliver to netizens.
Jangan apply jadi cikgu sebab kau takda kerja. Apply sebab kau minat dan cinta mengajar. Being a teacher is not easy. Kita perlukan guru-guru yang berkualiti untuk mencorak masa depan anak bangsa. Bukan guru yang suka suka nak jadi cikgu. Pls.
— Adzrul Rahman (@Adzrulrhmn) June 21, 2021
“Don’t apply to become a teacher just because you’re unemployed. Apply because you’re interested and love teaching. Being a teacher is not easy. We need quality educators to create a bright future for the nation’s children. Not those who become teachers for fun. Please.”
Many netizens, including this teacher himself, agreed and could relate to what he said.
Setuju. Jadi cikgu bukan kerana kita dapat result baik. Bukan kerana suka-suka.
Tapi jadi cikgu mesti ada jiwa pendidik. Sebab, kita akan jumpa dengan pelbagai karenah murid. Ada yang baik, dan ada yang nakal.
Sekian daripada saya yang baru 2 tahun jadi cikgu ?
— Musytaq?????? (@MusytaqAshari) June 22, 2021
“Agreed. Becoming a teacher is not because we got good results. Not for fun. To become a teacher, you need to have the soul of an educator. Because we’re bound to meet students of various antics. There are the good ones, but also the naughty ones. A teacher of two years, signing off.”
This netizen compared it to become a doctor, saying it’s the same concept.
Sama juga sesetengah golongan yang jadi doktor sebab duit dan bukan sebab minat dan tanggungjawab.
Itu sebab banyak kanak kanak yg sunat 90an, jahitannya senget dan tak rata dan asal boleh.
Akhirnya mangsa hidup dalam trauma dan murung sepanjang hayat.
— Norhafizi b Abdul Wahab (@Jimbotiram) June 22, 2021
“It’s the same as some people who want to become a doctor for the money rather than passion and responsibility. that’s why many 90s children that circumcise have untidy stitches. In the end, the victim lives in trauma and depression for the rest of their lives.”
Looking for means of income during a pandemic is not easy. But it’s also important to note that each job has its own impact on and within society. Let’s be smart in choosing our profession. Money is important, but being sincere and passionate is just as critical.
*Cover Image Credits: Unsplash Yannis H Twitter @Adzrulrhmn
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