Time and time again, when faced with a major change in our lives (heartbreak, a switch in job or career, moving from one place/phase in our lives to another), these changes are accompanied by physical changes too. Whether we choose to get a drastic hair cut (typically in the case of heartbreak), get a new car or simply put on red lipstick one day, these changes tend to not go unnoticed. Such is the case with local actress and singer, Noddy Nadirah, who has recently been caught up in controversy for an image change no one saw coming.
The actress first raised eyebrows after posting a picture of a woman in the backseat of a car in fishnet stockings and a partially unbuttoned white shirt. While her face is covered, the womans attire put the spotlight on the actress as, if it was indeed her in the picture, it would be far different from her usual hijab-clad image.

The 31-year-old Sabahan then shocked fans with an image of – presumably – herself in a bathtub. With her back to the camera, while biting on a scarf, the ‘Akademi Fantasia’ alumna captioned the image with a single word, “Soap”, while tagging a brand selling a health supplement product. While the face of the women in both images is obscured, it is believed that the women in both images are Nonny.
Seeing the images, fellow ‘Akademi Fantasia’ competitor turned best friend Mila Jirin took to her friends comment section to express her distress over her friends choices. Saying that she was initially in disbelief over the images, Jirin said she was “shivering” (out of shock) and “really sad”. She recalled their trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform the umrah in 2019, and begged her friend to reconsider her actions.
“I 100 per cent didn’t believe it was you in the picture, I told myself that your Instagram must have been hacked but Non, this hurts my heart. Non. I beg you, Non, please don’t do things that are against His commands. I beg you, please don’t waste the guidance that He had given to you. Don’t be fooled by the devil, this is the last time I’m begging you to return to the right path. Many people love you Non,”
She also cautioned her friend over the possible consequences, warning:
“If you really need to seek attention by doing this, carry on, Nonny. You may enjoy it here on Earth but not in the afterlife – I can only pray to God to lead you back on track, I’m not perfect but I’m doing my best to help you,”
At the same time, another former contestant – Ika Nabella – also took to her social media account to comment. Despite her initial trepidition to reference the controversy, as she believes it is not her place as a “regular person”, she defends Nadirah in her caption. She explains that Nadirah has never been inclined towards dressing provocatively, being “unable to wear short pants, even”.
“I know her heart. She is not like that.. She knows herself, and who her priorities are. She lives for her mother and the people she loves, even if the people she loves are stupidly unable to appreciate her. I know her,”
A few hours after posting the tub image, Nonny turned off the comment section for the post. However, now it seems that the ‘Melankolia’ actress has emptied her Instagram page completely. While her profile is still available, it has zero posts on it. Her Twitter account, however, is still available, with her last tweet being from March 27.
Unfortunately, women (all over the world, not just locally) are heavily policed on social media, with both their behaviour and their choices often highlighted and heavily criticized. Nadirah has remained mum over the issue – as is her right, tbf. I can only hope she has the support of the people she loves around her; sending love and good vibes her way!
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