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Joe Jonas Gushes Over How “Gorgeous” Daughter Willa Is

today5 May 2021


Joe Jonas is a Sucker for daughter Willa!

New parents Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have kept their personal lives very private, especially since the birth of their daughter Willa; however, lately, the pair have been sharing bits and pieces of life at home. In a recent interview on CBS This Morning, the Jonas Brothers boy band member talked about his new “Helping Hands” campaign and revealed other topics, including fatherhood and how he is dealing with staying at home due to the ongoing pandemic.


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“It’s been forced time at home — I’m always on the go, I’m always moving and traveling and touring. To be in one place for a solid amount of time and having my feet on the ground and be with my family, my immediate family is time I don’t think I’ll get back,” he told Gayle King. “I’m so thankful and grateful.”

When asked about how his daughter Willa looks like, he said she is “gorgeous.” If only he could give a sneak peek of his beautiful baby!


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As for what he’s learned while parenting his “gorgeous” daughter, the singer discussed the importance of naps, for himself too.

“Naps are nice. All around,” he shared.

As a doting father he’s loving the quiet moments at home with Willa and Sophie, however, Joe is eager to get back out on the road for another tour. “I miss performing so much,” he admitted.


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While Jonas and Turner seldom discuss their little girl in public, the Game of Thrones actress recently raved about her daughter while celebrating the U.K.’s Mother’s Day in March. Even brother Nick Jonas recently shared some insight into how Joe is doing as a first-time father. In fact, the Jumanji star told Entertainment Tonight in November that Joe is raising “the best” girl.

*Cover image credits: Instagram @joejonas

Written by: Varesha

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today5 May 2021

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