Actress Priyanka Chopra is a woman of many talents, and to that long list of achievements she just added published author. The Baywatch actress released her first book Unfinished: A Memoir that in a nutshell explore parts of her life that have never been revealed to the public, and one of the many new information about Priyanka included what could have been a minor nose surgery that ended up changing her face permanently.
According to Cosmopolitan, in the book, the Quantico actress explained she had a “pretty routine procedure” to remove a polyp in her nasal cavity in 2001. Unfortunately, it took a wrong turn, ended up being more complicated. “While shaving off the polyp, the doctor also accidentally shaved the bridge of my nose and the bridge collapsed,” Priyanka wrote, via Entertainment Tonight. “When it was time to remove the bandages and the condition of my nose was revealed, Mom and I were horrified.”
Priyanka continued “original nose was gone, my face looked completely different. I wasn’t me anymore.” She also explained that the botched surgery impacted her confidence since “every time I looked in the mirror, a stranger looked back at me. I didn’t think my sense of self or my self-esteem would ever recover from the blow.”
Obviously the Indian actress had to deal with immense public and media scrutiny, with many tabloids speculating she had a plastic procedure done and to make matters worse she has had to undergo multiple further surgeries to “normalize” her nose after the traumatic first time.
“While it took a few years … I’ve gotten accustomed to this face,” she wrote. “Now when I look in the mirror, I am no longer surprised; I’ve made peace with this slightly different me. This is my face. This is my body. I might be flawed, but I am me.”
Preach girl!
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