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Prime Minister Says Malaysia’s Next General Election Is Happening Soon, But They Won’t Tell Us When

today21 June 2022


Malaysia's youth have power they won't use - BBC News

The 14th Parliament term is scheduled to end on 15 July 2023; however, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has just announced that the 15th General Election may be held much earlier than expected.

Based on a report by Harian Metro, he recently reminded UMNO’s and Barisan Nasional’s (BN) political machinery to prepare for an early GE15 as it should be held soon.

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Although he did not reveal any specific date, Ismail Sabri said that the parties’ election workers should not wait until the last minute to prepare themselves.

“A year is not a long time for political parties to face elections.”

He also said, “This is why I ask for everyone in UMNO and BN to get prepared quickly as it may be held earlier than the end of term.”

His comments were made at a press conference after holding a special meeting with Jalinan Rakyat (JR) Wanita staff in Bera today. Ismail said initial preparations are necessary to…

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Written by: Quinny Tan

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