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Social News

Melaka May Lose Its ‘Last’ Public Beach Due To The M-WEZ Project

Writing on the petition, a Melaka coastline protection committee member accused the state government of bulldozing the plan without consulting the public, residents, fishermen, local tourist businesses, or other local stakeholders."Seemingly, it has just popped up out of nowhere," they said."Any new development on this scale (Tanjung Bruas reclamation) legally requires EIAs (Environment Impact Assessments), but after approaching several parties we cannot discover these. Have all the... Click here to read […]

today7 May 2021

Social News

Collaboration Is Key To Preserving The Malayan Tiger

The initiative is part of Perhilitan's Save Our Malay Tiger Campaign. It resulted in the arrest of 87 wildlife criminals and involved seizure worth RM2.7 million and destruction of 460 wire snares.In 2020, 140 wildlife criminals were arrested, with seizure worth RM1.85 million and destruction of 672 snares. These numbers are a grim reminder that the critically endangered Malayan tiger and other wildlife are still under immense threat from rampant […]

today3 March 2021