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This Zoo in Texas Lets You Name Cockroaches After Your Ex

today6 February 2024


Image for illustration purposes only. (source: freepik)

Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, have you secured yourself a date?

If the answer is no and you find yourself still navigating the aftermath of a past relationship, there’s a fun little fundraising event that you might want to consider participating in.

Cry Me A Cockroach

(source: Texas State Historical Association)

Back with its unconventional programme, a zoo in Texas, USA, has begun receiving submissions for its famous quirky annual event that allows visitors to name a cockroach, a vegetable, or even a rat with the names of their ex-partners.

Located in Central Texas, the San Antonio Zoo has been running a successful global fundraising programme known as the ‘Cry Me a Cockroach Fund’ for the past few years.

(source: San Antonio Zoo)

“With the return of the Cry Me a Cockroach Fundraiser, where participants symbolically name a roach after their…

Click here to read the full article.


Written by: Aqasha Nur’aiman

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