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[VIDEO] Dua Beradik Ini Sanggup ‘Tidur’ Dalam Banjir, Demi Selamatkan 32 Kucing. Respect!

today3 December 2020


Sementara itu, Azmi berkata, rumah mereka dinaiki air kira-kira satu meter susulan hujan lebat berterusan sejak petang semalam.

Menurutnya, sebaik pulang dari pasar raya, beliau mendapati air sudah mencurah masuk ke dalam rumah.

“Bila sampai di rumah, ada beberapa ekor kucing berada di dalam air. Mujurlah saya sempat selamatkan, bimbang juga kalau ada yang lemas.

“Bermula jam 10 malam, air mula masuk ikut depan rumah. Saya dan kakak tidak sempat selamatkan apa-apa, cuma sempat alihkan…

Click here to read the full article.


Written by: Akmal Redzwan

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9 PDRM Officers Arrested For Distributing Drugs In Police Headquarters Lock-Up

The case is currently being investigated under Section 39B, Section 39A(1), Section 6, and Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, as reported by New Straits Times.Ayob Khan also noted that a disciplinary investigation has been launched against the Kota Tinggi police chief, the district Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department chief, and the Kota Tinggi police station officer in charge.He said, "They should be accountable for what is happening. How […]

today3 December 2020

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