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Social News

[VIDEO] BMW Driver Tries To Run Over A RELA Officer In Front Of A School In Shah Alam

When the BMW car entered the lane from the opposite side, Janagan tried to stop him. The driver, however, refused to listen to his instructions and attempted to run him over.The incident was caught on a shot video which shows the BMW driver hitting Janagan, who was clad in a RELA uniform, before reversing only to move forward despite the RELA officer signalling him to stop.In the video, the BMW […]

today7 May 2021

Social News

Video Shows An Intoxicated Driver Crash Into Myvi After Driving Against Traffic In PJ

The video, posted on the Facebook page of Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS on Saturday, 5 September, shows the driver of the Volvo attempting to bulldoze the Myvi backwards, as alarmed onlookers try to intervene.In the video that is over a minute-long, the Volvo driver, who is a man, continues to push forward against the Myvi as its female driver blares her car horn in an attempt to make him... Click here […]

today6 September 2020