M’sian Animated Horror-Comedy Series Set For 2025 Premiere
'Kisah Bawah Tanah' is a series that revolves around two skeletal best friends, Sam and Zack, as they navigate a world full of creatures from SEA folklore.
'Kisah Bawah Tanah' is a series that revolves around two skeletal best friends, Sam and Zack, as they navigate a world full of creatures from SEA folklore.
KUALA LUMPUR: A musical that blends folklore with the vibrancy of a Malaysian playground, titled Sang Kancil & The Dragon King, will run at PJPAC from Feb 29 to March 10.
It was said that she had ended Mahsuri's curse and brought luck to Langkawi.
You might want to turn your lights on for this one.
Alwyn co-wrote produced multiple songs on the album!
Hint: The song the lyric is from is inspired by the TRUE STORY of a real-life heiress.
So… it’s not a trilogy?
Nothing can stop Taylor Swift from breaking records.
It’s all about how complicated teenage love triangles can be