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10 Results / Page 1 of 2

Social News

5 Cobbler Shops In PJ To Get Your Shoes Fixed And Cleaned

Cobblerman was established in 2009. Jamie, the shop owner has been in the business for more than 15 years since the passing of his brother, according to their Facebook page. Besides repairing shoes and bags, Jamie also duplicates keys and access cards. The shopfront is full of cartoon figures and mini collectibles so customers are always entertained inside the shop.Contact:+6012-9338683

today21 September 2020

Social News

Retail Store In SG Allegedly Punishes Staff With 200 Squats For Not Hitting Sales Targets

"None of the above is mandatory, and non-participation will not affect employees' performance," said a 58-year-old spokesman from the company.According to him, each outlet set up a shared 'fund' to remind its employees not to commit the mistakes."If the pen cap is not closed, the hanger falls on the floor, and other mistakes, it will cause the clothes to become dirty. So the employees... Click here to read the full […]

today25 August 2020

Social News

16 Major Brands You Probably Thought Were Malaysian But Aren’t

Ayam Brand was founded 125 years ago in 1892 by Frenchman, Alfred Clouet, in Singapore, back when it was technically still part of British Malaya. Its products were considered a luxury at the time since canned food was seen as inaccessible to the common people.The brand is now owned by the Denis Frères Group of Companies and is a leader in canned foods throughout Asia. Consolation: Ayam... Click here to […]

today6 May 2020